BaZi Analysis

Some of you may be going through a rough patch now, and often ponder your next step in life during this troubling period. Health is our biggest concern. Are you getting strained relationships from all the work stress? Or meeting a career crisis?
These hurdles could make you think of getting a new job or starting a new business. However, is this the right time now? 

Some of you may be going through a rough patch now, and often ponder your next step in life during this troubling period. Health is our biggest concern. Are you getting strained relationships from all the work stress? Or meeting a career crisis?
These hurdles could make you think of getting a new job or starting a new business. However, is this the right time now? 

The best way to find out is to conduct a BaZi analysis. 

BaZi (八字), the Chinese term for “Eight Characters”, also known as the Four Pillars, is an ancient Chinese system calculation that predicts your luck and destiny. Bazi Analysis is an objective and thorough way of discovering your unique capabilities and how you can put them to use. It unveils the hidden side of you such as your talents, abilities, potential, and discloses opportunities for success. 

Furthermore, you can gain insights on how to work with the cards you have such as your strengths and weaknesses and the predicted uncertainties. This is a good framework to plan for your future goals and whether they will help or hinder your success. 

Some people wonder, “Can we change our destiny?“. Everyone has a choice to change their destiny, and not everything is predestined. You can’t change the past, but you can create a future where things are different. The key is to believe in yourself, and learning more about yourself will give you the confidence you need. We also believe it is possible to change your destiny as long as you make the decisions at the right time.

For instance, BaZi analysis can tell if one is going through a negative luck cycle. To minimize pitfalls, we would advise taking more prudent decisions such as avoiding any high-risk investments and career changes.  
In contrast, during a good luck cycle, seizing the opportunity at the right time such as starting up a business, partnership or expansion will rapidly jump-start your success. 

The power of controlling your destiny is now within your reach. We will help you to set realistic goals, and work towards them with step-by-step guidance from Master Lo. 

BaZi Analysis: What can it reveal about your life

Personal growth

  • Revealing your luck cycle and wealth capacity
  • Insights into chances for career advancements or changes
  • Affinity between romantic interests
  • Improve health issues
  • Guiding you in moments of uncertainty

Business concerns

  • Compatibility between business partners
  • Identifying opportunities for business expansion and restructuring
  • Am I making the right decisions?
  • Commitment in project

Family matters

  • Understanding ties with your spouse or family members
  • Unleashing your child’s true potential through the study of their talents and character, and future
  • Affinity between romantic interests
  • Is he or she the right one?

Let Master Adrian be your beacon that lit your ways!